Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Both of my son's are joining me for Thanksgiving this year. Yay! Since my ex and I split, my oldest 18 has only spent 1 day with me. I am proud of him because he is working hard as a Dairy Manager at his Safeway in the Management Mentoring Program.

I may be playing is a softball tournament Sunday and quite possibly one next weekend as well.

I put on some of the hard earned weight I had lost within the last 6 weeks since I met Michelle from softball. I was staying out late, drinking a lot, and not watching what I eat. I am almost on track now and have lost some of it back.

I am expecting about $26k inheritance that was supposed to be for my dad and I am seriously considering using it for SRS. I really need to find out how I can make it work and have Dr. Suporn in Thailand do my surgery.

I am also considering getting the Comcast internet and tv package for $66 a month so I can finally keep up with y'all again. It's been really weird without tv and internet access at my leisure for the last year or so.

1 comment:

Lori D said...

Congrats on getting to spend time with your son. I'm sure you'll have a lot of catching up to do. No better way than to spend this time with someone you love. I know there will be many people who won't have that opportunity.